Table of Contents
In an age where there is so much information available it is useful to know where to start. One of the biggest downsides to the information age and the exponential growth of the internet has been the increase in decision fatigue. Many people spend more time online actually looking for what they want rather than actually enjoying the media and entertainment they have searched for.
This article provides a brief guide as to how you can get the best insights and detailed subject-specific knowledge without spending too much time looking in all the wrong places.
·      Watch short-form video clips that are all over the internet
There are no more current and up-to-date means of learning something or getting information, knowledge, and ‘how-to’ guides than the short form online video. From YouTube how-to videos on just about everything from tying your laces to changing the spark plugs on your vehicle, there are videos that will provide you with the specific knowledge to actually do just about anything.
·      Read
It may seem like a traditional means of garnering knowledge and information, but it is still very much current in that, regardless of whether you access the information and data via tech and e-pages, you still need to read it unless you have it read to you. The best tip you can use in this regard is to check the authenticity of the sources you choose to read. Do your reviews and target your internet searches to ensure that you are reading from those who are regarded authorities in your chosen field.
·      Attend roundtables
Finding appropriate roundtables, where experts in a topic gather to discuss and elaborate on the issues, are great ways to gain highly specific and even scientific-based layers of knowledge. The Washington University Roundtables are a great example of this form of knowledge and will be a great place to start. First research as to what’s available and then see if you can attend in person or online to hear the discussion of experts and those who are top of their specific fields.
·      MOOCS
Massive open online courses were thought to have reached their peak and then the pandemic hit. MOOC’s have again taken the internet by storm, and you can learn anything you want at any level that you choose from beginner to professional, at no cost to yourself. They have proven to be one of the best ways for professionals and those looking for detailed and specific subject matter to be able to do entire courses and gain related, widely accepted qualifications.
These are not the only way to access and interact with information and knowledge on the internet. However, they are the tried and trusted means of accessing subject-specific knowledge that is genuine and detailed enough to provide you with the basis for further study, a change in career or to enjoy and monetize a hobby. Knowledge is power and being able to access such power in the information age is a skill in itself.